Experimental Investigation of FRP-Strengthened RC Beam-Column Joints
The results of a comprehensive experimental program, aimed at providing a fundamental understanding of the behavior of shear-critical exterior reinforced concrete (RC) joints strengthened with fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) under simulated seismic load, are presented...
Multifactorial experimental analysis of concrete compressive strength as a function of time and water-to-cement ratio
Concrete compressive strength is typically tested for fixed nominal values of curing age. Corresponding measurements, even if performed by multiple specimens testing, cannot figure the dispersion of the result attributed to all the significant effective error...
Structural Structures and Measurements
The laboratory course “Topographic measurements” is taught in the Laboratory of Structural Constructions and Measurements. The aim of the course is to train students in the operation of topographic instruments (classical and electronic) and then to give...