Numerical and experimental evaluation of sonic resonance against ultrasonic pulse velocity and compression tests on concrete core samples
Destructive Testing, like core drilling, remains today the only reliable method to calculate with accuracy concrete’s strength parameters. However, the damage of the constructions is always a limitation. On the contrary, Non-Destructive Tests (NDT) are fast and...
Mamou Anna
Mamou Anna Title Scientific Associate at the level of Assistant Professor Civil Engineer email 20mam.ann@ta.aspete.gr Studies Research Interests Selected Publications• Siorikis, V. G., Antonopoulos, C. P., Pelekis, P., Christovasili, K., & Hatzigeorgiou, G. D....
Laboratory of Concrete & Aseismic Constructions
The Laboratory of Concrete and Aseismic Constructions belongs to the Department of Civil Engineering Educators and is equipped with the machinery and apparatus for the practical training of students in the production and strength testing of concrete, experimental...