The Administration Bodies of the Department of Civil Engineering Educators are: The Head of the Department The General Assembly The General Assembly of Special Purpose Head of the Department of Civil Engineering Educators: Prof. George...
Department of Civil Engineering Educators of ASPETEASPETE CampusISAP-EIRINI Railway Station151 22 Amarousio Greece Tel: +030 210 2896738-9email: civengedu@aspete.gr The access to the Department of Civil Engineering Educators of ASPETE is easy through the line 1 of the...
Τμήμα Εκπαιδευτικών Πολιτικών Μηχανικών...
The staff of the Department consists of the Academic Staff, the Laboratory Teaching Staff and the Administrative Staff. Academic Staff Georgios GeorgousisProfessor Research interests: Reinforced concrete structures, Structural dynamics, Earthquake resistant structures...
The Department of Education of Civil Engineers ASPETE has established in HrakliNo Greece and all functions are installed in the open space of ASPETE. The Department participates actively in research – operationally nationally and Community programmes...